
Steps by steps mine BITCOIN on SLUSH pool

Steps by steps mine on SLUSH pool. Image Hello helloo,,goodmorning,,hehe This topic today i will be write How to mine on slush pool? This tutorial will guide you through the setup process required to start mining on our pool using ASIC and cgminer on Windows. The tutorial is describing an installation of cgminer. The other currently supported miner is BFGMiner (you can get it ) The installation process for BFGMiner would be identical to the one described here: 1.Download Download cgminer.
2.Unpack Use WinRAR or similar program to open the archive and unpack it on your hard-drive
3.Credentials The login credentials needed for your miner look like this: (please, fill your user ID and worker name) URL: stratum+tcp:// user name: userID.workerName password: anything 4.Set the wallet On the same page, set your payout wallet And payout threshold . 5.Run cgminer You should have the mining device connected to your computer by now. - run "Command line" by pressing WIN + R and entering "cmd" - navigate to the folder containing cgminer.exe using command "cd .." to leave the current folder and "cd [foldername]" to enter folder called "foldername". In this example: C:\cg\cgminer-4.2.0-windows - type in cgminer.exe --userpass userID.workername--urlstratum+tcp:// where "userID.workername" means your worker's (miner's) credentials obtained in the step 3. All the non-bold parts are to remain unmodified. Cgminer will automatically detect the mining device connected to your computer. 6.Profit You should see something like this: If you don't want to start cgminer manually, you can set it to start automatically at the computer startup. Please see this article to learn more. Troubles? Installation of WinUSB driver After launching the cgminer, you may instead get this: This means you need to install WinUSB driver. Windows will probably try to attempt to install a driver on its own, let it finish. Download the zadig utility from Right click on it and run as administrator. Select Options in the menu and check List All Devices. You should now be able to select the appropriate device (something like CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller), and press Install Driver. If you are not offered the aforementioned option, nor any similar one, look for something like "BitFORCE SHA256 SC" (with the device still plugged in!).
After the installation is complete, run cgminer as described in the point 5. In troubles, try to restart command line. Thanks

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